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title: AOSP-模拟器 layout: doc aside: false

AOSP 8.1 编译


sudo apt install -y bc bison build-essential ccache curl flex g++-multilib gcc-multilib git git-lfs gnupg gperf imagemagick lib32readline-dev lib32z1-dev libelf-dev liblz4-tool libsdl1.2-dev libssl-dev libxml2 libxml2-utils lzop pngcrush rsync schedtool squashfs-tools xsltproc zip zlib1g-dev

Ubuntu版本 <= 23.10

  • sudo apt install -y lib32ncurses5-dev libncurses5 libncurses5-dev Ubuntu版本 <= 20.04
  • sudo apt install -y libwxgtk3.0-dev Ubuntu版本 <= 16.04
  • sudo apt install -y libwxgtk2.8-dev


  • Android 11 sudo apt install openjdk-11-jdk
  • Android 9-10 sudo apt install openjdk-9-jdk
  • Android 7.1-8.1 sudo apt install openjdk-8-jdk 需要删除TLSv1.1jdk.tls.disabledAlgorithms/etc/java-8-openjdk/security/
  • Android 1-7.0 sudo apt install openjdk-7-jdk

对于jdk8 需要删除 /etc/java-8-openjdk/security/ 文件中的 jdk.tls.disabledAlgorithmsTLSv1、TLSv1.1 重启jack

cd prebuilts/sdk/tools
./jack-admin kill-server


  • Android 10+ 'sudo apt install python-is-python3'
  • Android 1-9 sudo apt install python2
  • 'sudo ln -s /usr/bin/python2 /usr/bin/python'


mkdir ~/bin
curl > ~/bin/repo

repo init -u git:// -b android-security-8.1.0_r93 
repo init -u -b android-security-8.1.0_r93 

repo sync


sudo nano ~/.bashrc
#最后一行添加 export LC_ALL=C
source ~/.bashrc


  //Add begin @{
  #if !defined(ART_TARGET)
  }else if(expected_ptr){
  #define MAP_FIXED_NOREPLACE 0x100000


cd ~/aosp
source ./build/
make -j8

make clean


cd ~/aosp
source ./build/
lunch aosp_arm64-eng


make emu_img_zip
make -j8 sdk sdk_repo

#这会生成一个 sdk-repo-linux-system-images-eng.[username]].zip 文件。

emulator.exe -netdelay none -netspeed full -no-snapstorage -avd Small_Phone_API_25

x .\emulator.exe --help    
INFO    | Storing crashdata in: C:\Users\Kpa\AppData\Local\Temp\\AndroidEmulator\emu-crash-34.2.15.db, detection is enabled for process: 14580
Android Emulator usage: emulator [options] [-qemu args]
    -list-avds                                                          list available AVDs
    -sysdir <dir>                                                       search for system disk images in <dir>
    -system <file>                                                      read initial system image from <file>
    -vendor <file>                                                      read initial vendor image from <file>
    -writable-system                                                    make system & vendor image writable after 'adb remount'
    -delay-adb                                                          delay adb communication till boot completes
    -datadir <dir>                                                      write user data into <dir>
    -kernel <file>                                                      use specific emulated kernel
    -ramdisk <file>                                                     ramdisk image (default <system>/ramdisk.img
    -image <file>                                                       obsolete, use -system <file> instead
    -initdata <file>                                                    same as '-init-data <file>'
    -data <file>                                                        data image (default <datadir>/userdata-qemu.img
    -encryption-key <file>                                              read initial encryption key image from <file>
    -logcat-output <file>                                               output file of logcat(default none)
    -partition-size <size>                                              system/data partition size in MBs
    -cache <file>                                                       cache partition image (default is temporary file)
    -cache-size <size>                                                  cache partition size in MBs
    -no-cache                                                           disable the cache partition
    -nocache                                                            same as -no-cache
    -sdcard <file>                                                      SD card image (default <datadir>/sdcard.img
    -quit-after-boot <timeout>                                          quit emulator after guest boots completely, or after timeout in seconds
    -qemu-top-dir <dir>                                                 Use the emulator in the specified dir (relative or absolute path)
    -monitor-adb <verbose_level>                                        monitor the adb messages between guest and host, default not
    -snapstorage <file>                                                 file that contains all state snapshots (default <datadir>/snapshots.img)
    -no-snapstorage                                                     do not mount a snapshot storage file (this disables all snapshot functionality)
    -snapshot <name>                                                    name of snapshot within storage file for auto-start and auto-save (default 'default-boot')
    -no-snapshot                                                        perform a full boot and do not auto-save, but qemu vmload and vmsave operate on snapstorage
    -no-snapshot-save                                                   do not auto-save to snapshot on exit: abandon changed state
    -no-snapshot-load                                                   do not auto-start from snapshot: perform a full boot
    -force-snapshot-load                                                force starting from snapshot: exit emulator if loading from snapshot fails
    -qcow2-for-userdata                                                 use qcow2 for userdata
    -snapshot-list                                                      show a list of available snapshots
    -no-snapshot-update-time                                            do not try to correct snapshot time on restore
    -wipe-data                                                          reset the user data image (copy it from initdata)
    -avd <name>                                                         use a specific android virtual device
    -avd-arch <target>                                                  use a specific target architecture
    -skindir <dir>                                                      search skins in <dir> (default <system>/skins)
    -skin <name>                                                        select a given skin
    -no-skin                                                            deprecated: create an AVD with no skin instead
    -noskin                                                             same as -no-skin
    -memory <size>                                                      physical RAM size in MBs
    -ui-only <UI feature>                                               run only the UI feature requested
    -id <name>                                                          assign an id to this virtual device (separate from the avd name)
    -cores <number>                                                     Set number of CPU cores to emulator
    -accel <mode>                                                       Configure emulation acceleration
    -no-accel                                                           Same as '-accel off'
    -ranchu                                                             Use new emulator backend instead of the classic one
    -engine <engine>                                                    Select engine. auto|classic|qemu2
    -netspeed <speed>                                                   maximum network download/upload speeds
    -netdelay <delay>                                                   network latency emulation
    -netfast                                                            disable network shaping
    -code-profile <name>                                                enable code profiling
    -show-kernel                                                        display kernel messages
    -shell                                                              enable root shell on current terminal
    -no-jni                                                             deprecated, see dalvik_vm_checkjni
    -nojni                                                              deprecated, see dalvik_vm_checkjni
    -dalvik-vm-checkjni                                                 Enable dalvik.vm.checkjni
    -logcat <tags>                                                      enable logcat output with given tags
    -log-nofilter                                                       Disable the duplicate log filter
    -log-detailed                                                       Enable detailed logging info
    -no-audio                                                           disable audio support
    -noaudio                                                            same as -no-audio
    -audio <backend>                                                    use specific audio backend
    -radio <device>                                                     redirect radio modem interface to character device
    -port <port>                                                        TCP port that will be used for the console
    -ports <consoleport>,<adbport>                                      TCP ports used for the console and adb bridge
    -modem-simulator-port <port>                                        TCP port that will be used for android modem simulator
    -onion <image>                                                      use overlay PNG image over screen
    -onion-alpha <%age>                                                 specify onion-skin translucency
    -onion-rotation 0|1|2|3                                             specify onion-skin rotation
    -dpi-device <dpi>                                                   specify device's resolution in dpi (default DEFAULT_DEVICE_DPI)
    -scale <scale>                                                      scale emulator window (deprecated)
    -wifi-client-port <port>                                            connect to other emulator for WiFi forwarding
    -wifi-server-port <port>                                            listen to other emulator for WiFi forwarding
    -http-proxy <proxy>                                                 make TCP connections through a HTTP/HTTPS proxy
    -timezone <timezone>                                                use this timezone instead of the host's default
    -change-language <language>                                         use this language instead of the current one. Restarts the framework.
    -change-country <country>                                           use this country instead of the current one. Restarts the framework.
    -change-locale <locale>                                             use this locale instead of the current one. Restarts the framework.
    -dns-server <servers>                                               use this DNS server(s) in the emulated system
    -net-tap <interface>                                                use this TAP interface for networking
    -net-socket option                                                  use Socket interface for network, one of fd=, listen=, or connect=
    -net-tap-script-up <script>                                         script to run when the TAP interface goes up
    -net-tap-script-down <script>                                       script to run when the TAP interface goes down
    -cpu-delay <cpudelay>                                               throttle CPU emulation
    -no-boot-anim                                                       disable animation for faster boot
    -no-window                                                          disable graphical window display
    -qt-hide-window                                                     Start QT window but hide window display
    -no-sim                                                             device has no SIM card
    -lowram                                                             device is a low ram device
    -version                                                            display emulator version number
    -no-passive-gps                                                     disable passive gps updates
    -gnss-file-path <path>                                              Use the specified filepath to read gnss data
    -gnss-grpc-port <port number>                                       Use the specified port number to start grpc service to receive gnss data
    -virtio-console                                                     using virtio console as console
    -read-only                                                          allow running multiple instances of emulators on the same AVD, but cannot save snapshot. 
    -is-restart <restart-pid>                                           specifies that this emulator was a restart, and to wait out <restart-pid> before proceeding
    -report-console <socket>                                            report console port to remote socket
    -gps <device>                                                       redirect NMEA GPS to character device
    -shell-serial <device>                                              specific character device for root shell
    -tcpdump <file>                                                     capture network packets to file
    -bootchart <timeout>                                                enable bootcharting
    -charmap <file>                                                     use specific key character map
    -studio-params <file>                                               used by Android Studio to provide parameters
    -prop <name>=<value>                                                set system property on boot
    -shared-net-id <number>                                             join the shared network, using IP address 10.1.2.<number>
    -gpu <mode>                                                         set hardware OpenGLES emulation mode
    -use-host-vulkan                                                    use host for vulkan emulation regardless of 'gpu' mode
    -vsync-rate <rate>                                                  set the vsync rate (refresh rate) in Hz for the guest display
    -camera-back <mode>                                                 set emulation mode for a camera facing back
    -camera-front <mode>                                                set emulation mode for a camera facing front
    -webcam-list                                                        lists web cameras available for emulation
    -virtualscene-poster <name>=<filename>                              Load a png or jpeg image as a poster in the virtual scene
    -screen <mode>                                                      set emulated screen mode
    -selinux <disabled|permissive>                                      Set SELinux to either disabled or permissive mode
    -unix-pipe <path>                                                   Add <path> to the list of allowed Unix pipes
    -fixed-scale                                                        Use fixed 1:1 scale for the initial emulator window.
    -wait-for-debugger                                                  Pause on launch and wait for a debugger process to attach before resuming
    -skip-adb-auth                                                      Skip adb authentication dialogue
    -metrics-to-console                                                 Enable usage metrics and print the messages to stdout
    -metrics-collection                                                 Enable usage metrics and send them to google play
    -metrics-to-file <file>                                             Enable usage metrics and write the messages into specified file
    -no-metrics                                                         Disable metrics collection
    -detect-image-hang                                                  Enable the detection of system image hangs.
    -feature <name|-name>                                               Force-enable or disable (-name) the features
    -icc-profile <file>                                                 Use icc profile from specified file
    -sim-access-rules-file <file>                                       Use SIM access rules from specified file
    -phone-number <phone_number>                                        Sets the phone number of the emulated device
    -acpi-config <file>                                                 specify acpi device proprerties (hierarchical key=value pair)
    -fuchsia                                                            Run Fuchsia image. Bypasses android-specific setup; args after are treated as standard QEMU args
    -window-size <size>                                                 Set window size for when bypassing android-specific setup.
    -allow-host-audio                                                   Allows sending of audio from audio input devices. Otherwise, zeroes out audio.
    -restart-when-stalled                                               Allows restarting guest when it is stalled.
    -perf-stat <file>                                                   Run periodic perf stat reporter in the background and write output to specified file.    
    -share-vid                                                          Share current video state in shared memory region.
    -grpc <port>                                                        TCP ports used for the gRPC bridge.
    -grpc-tls-key <pem>                                                 File with the private key used to enable gRPC TLS.
    -grpc-tls-cer <pem>                                                 File with the public X509 certificate used to enable gRPC TLS.
    -grpc-tls-ca <pem>                                                  File with the Certificate Authorities used to validate client certificates.
    -grpc-use-token                                                     Use the emulator console token for gRPC authentication.
    -grpc-use-jwt                                                       Use a signed JWT token for gRPC authentication. (default, disable with -grpc flag)       
    -grpc-allowlist <file>                                              Use a custom allow list for gRPC authentication.
    -idle-grpc-timeout <timeout>                                        Terminate the emulator if there is no gRPC activity within <timeout> seconds.
    -waterfall <mode>                                                   Mode in which to run waterfall.
    -grpc-ui                                                            Use the experimental gRPRC ui.
    -packet-streamer-endpoint <uri>                                     Use the provided packet streamer endpoint when present.
    -netsim-args <arg1> [<arg2> ...]                                    Additional netsim arguments.
    -multidisplay index width height dpi flag                           config multiple displays.
    -google-maps-key <API key>                                          API key to use with the Google Maps GUI.
    -no-location-ui                                                     Disable the location UI in the extended window.
    -use-keycode-forwarding                                             Use keycode forwarding instead of host charmap translation.
    -record-session <file>,<delay>[,<duration>]                         Screen record the emulator session.
    -legacy-fake-camera                                                 Use legacy camera HAL for the emulated fake camera.
    -camera-hq-edge                                                     Enable high qualify edge processing for emulated camera.
    -no-direct-adb                                                      Use external adb executable for internal communication.
    -check-snapshot-loadable <snapshot name|exported snapshot tar file> Check if a snasphot is loadable.
    -no-hidpi-scaling                                                   Disable HiDPI scaling of guest display on macOS devices.
    -no-mouse-reposition                                                Do not reposition the mouse to emulator window center if mouse pointer gets out of the window.
    -guest-angle                                                        Enable guest ANGLE as system driver.
    -usb-passthrough VID PID BUS PORTS                                  Host USB device Passthrough
    -append-userspace-opt key=value                                     Appends a property which is passed to the userspace.
    -save-path <file path>                                              Override save path for screenshot and bug report. The value will not be persisted on host OS.
    -no-nested-warnings                                                 Disable the warning dialog when emulator is running in nested virtualization.
    -wifi-tap <interface>                                               use this TAP interface for Virtio Wi-Fi
    -wifi-tap-script-up <script>                                        script to run when the TAP interface goes up
    -wifi-tap-script-down <script>                                      script to run when the TAP interface goes down
    -wifi-socket <option>                                               use Socket interface for Virtio Wi-Fi, one of fd=, listen=, or connect=
    -wifi-user-mode-options <option list>                               Override default user mode networking option for wifi network in Android Emulator for API 31 and above.
    -network-user-mode-options <option list>                            Override default user mode networking option for both radio and wifi network in Android Emulator for API 30 and below. Override default user mode networking optionfor radio network for API 31 and above.
    -adb-path <path>                                                    use adb binary from <path>
    -hotplug-multi-display                                              Use the HAL hotplug display to implement multiDisplay.
    -xts                                                                Use android64-xts CPU profile instead of the default one
    -wifi-mac-address <mac address>                                     Override the mac address of the wlan0 interface in AVD. This option only applies to situation where AVD is loaded from snapshot using read-only mode. Example: -wifi-mac-address 00:11:22:33:44:55.
    -no-ethernet                                                        Disable virtual Ethernet interface en0. This option is only effective when feature VirtioWifi is used.
    -android-serialno <android serialno>                                Set customized android serial number. The value of this field must be encodable as 7-bit 
ASCII and match the regular expression 鈥淾[a-zA-Z0-9._-,]+$鈥?

     -qemu args...                                                      pass arguments to qemu
     -qemu -h                                                           display qemu help

     -verbose                                                           same as '-debug-init'
     -debug <tags>                                                      enable/disable debug messages
     -debug-<tag>                                                       enable specific debug messages
     -debug-no-<tag>                                                    disable specific debug messages

     -help                                                              print this help
     -help-<option>                                                     print option-specific help

     -help-disk-images                                                  about disk images
     -help-debug-tags                                                   debug tags for -debug <tags>
     -help-char-devices                                                 character <device> specification
     -help-environment                                                  environment variables
     -help-virtual-device                                               virtual device management
     -help-sdk-images                                                   about disk images when using the SDK
     -help-build-images                                                 about disk images when building Android
     -help-all                                                          prints all help content

> .\emulator.exe -qemu -h
INFO    | Storing crashdata in: C:\Users\Kpa\AppData\Local\Temp\\AndroidEmulator\emu-crash-34.2.15.db, detection is enabled for process: 20384
INFO    | Android emulator version (build_id 11906825) (CL:N/A)
INFO    | Storing crashdata in: C:\Users\Kpa\AppData\Local\Temp\\AndroidEmulator\emu-crash-34.2.15.db, detection is enabled for process: 804
INFO    | Duplicate loglines will be removed, if you wish to see each individual line launch with the -log-nofilter flag.
INFO    | qt_main: arg: D:\ProgramData\Android\emulator\qemu\windows-x86_64\qemu-system-x86_64.exe
INFO    | qt_main: arg: -h
QEMU emulator version 2.12.0 (gradle_1.3.0-beta4-80481-g0739999921), Copyright (c) 2003-2017 Fabrice Bellard and the QEMU Project developers
usage: D:\ProgramData\Android\emulator\qemu\windows-x86_64\qemu-system-x86_64.exe [options] [disk_image]

'disk_image' is a raw hard disk image for IDE hard disk 0

Standard options:
-h or -help     display this help and exit
-version        display version information and exit
-machine [type=]name[,prop[=value][,...]]
                selects emulated machine ('-machine help' for list)
                property accel=accel1[:accel2[:...]] selects accelerator
                supported accelerators are kvm, xen, hax, hvf, whpx or tcg (default: tcg)
                kernel_irqchip=on|off|split controls accelerated irqchip support (default=off)
                vmport=on|off|auto controls emulation of vmport (default: auto)
                kvm_shadow_mem=size of KVM shadow MMU in bytes
                dump-guest-core=on|off include guest memory in a core dump (default=on)
                mem-merge=on|off controls memory merge support (default: on)
                igd-passthru=on|off controls IGD GFX passthrough support (default=off)
                aes-key-wrap=on|off controls support for AES key wrapping (default=on)
                dea-key-wrap=on|off controls support for DEA key wrapping (default=on)
                suppress-vmdesc=on|off disables self-describing migration (default=off)
                nvdimm=on|off controls NVDIMM support (default=off)
                enforce-config-section=on|off enforce configuration section migration (default=off)
                s390-squash-mcss=on|off (deprecated) controls support for squashing into default css (default=off)
                memory-encryption=@var{} memory encryption object to use (default=none)
-cpu cpu        select CPU ('-cpu help' for list)
-accel [accel=]accelerator[,thread=single|multi]
                select accelerator (kvm, xen, hax, hvf, whpx or tcg; use 'help' for a list)
                thread=single|multi (enable multi-threaded TCG)-smp [cpus=]n[,maxcpus=cpus][,cores=cores][,threads=threads][,sockets=sockets]
                set the number of CPUs to 'n' [default=1]
                maxcpus= maximum number of total cpus, including
                offline CPUs for hotplug, etc
                cores= number of CPU cores on one socket
                threads= number of threads on one CPU core
                sockets= number of discrete sockets in the system
-numa node[,mem=size][,cpus=firstcpu[-lastcpu]][,nodeid=node]
-numa node[,memdev=id][,cpus=firstcpu[-lastcpu]][,nodeid=node]
-numa dist,src=source,dst=destination,val=distance
-numa cpu,node-id=node[,socket-id=x][,core-id=y][,thread-id=z]
-add-fd fd=fd,set=set[,opaque=opaque]
                Add 'fd' to fd 'set'
                set <arg> parameter for item <id> of type <group>
                i.e. -set drive.$id.file=/path/to/image
-global driver=driver,property=property,value=value
                set a global default for a driver property
-boot [order=drives][,once=drives][,menu=on|off]
                'drives': floppy (a), hard disk (c), CD-ROM (d), network (n)
                'sp_name': the file's name that would be passed to bios as logo picture, if menu=on
                'sp_time': the period that splash picture last if menu=on, unit is ms
                'rb_timeout': the timeout before guest reboot when boot failed, unit is ms
-m [size=]megs[,slots=n,maxmem=size]
                configure guest RAM
                size: initial amount of guest memory
                slots: number of hotplug slots (default: none)
                maxmem: maximum amount of guest memory (default: none)
NOTE: Some architectures might enforce a specific granularity
-mem-path FILE  provide backing storage for guest RAM
-mem-prealloc   preallocate guest memory (use with -mem-path)
-k language     use keyboard layout (for example 'fr' for French)
-audio-help     print list of audio drivers and their options
-no-audio        disable audio support
-soundhw c1,... enable audio support
                and only specified sound cards (comma separated list)
                use '-soundhw help' to get the list of supported cards
                use '-soundhw all' to enable all of them
-balloon virtio[,addr=str]
                enable virtio balloon device (deprecated)
-device driver[,prop[=value][,...]]
                add device (based on driver)
                prop=value,... sets driver properties
                use '-device help' to print all possible drivers
                use '-device driver,help' to print all possible properties
-name string1[,process=string2][,debug-threads=on|off]
                set the name of the guest
                string1 sets the window title and string2 the process name (on Linux)
                When debug-threads is enabled, individual threads are given a separate name (on Linux)
                NOTE: The thread names are for debugging and not a stable API.
-uuid %08x-%04x-%04x-%04x-%012x
                specify machine UUID

Block device options:
-fda/-fdb file  use 'file' as floppy disk 0/1 image
-hda/-hdb file  use 'file' as IDE hard disk 0/1 image
-hdc/-hdd file  use 'file' as IDE hard disk 2/3 image
-cdrom file     use 'file' as IDE cdrom image (cdrom is ide1 master)
-blockdev [driver=]driver[,node-name=N][,discard=ignore|unmap]
          [,driver specific parameters...]
                configure a block backend
-drive [file=file][,if=type][,bus=n][,unit=m][,media=d][,index=i]
                use 'file' as a drive image
-mtdblock file  use 'file' as on-board Flash memory image
-sd file        use 'file' as SecureDigital card image
-pflash file    use 'file' as a parallel flash image
-snapshot       write to temporary files instead of disk image files
-fsdev fsdriver,id=id[,path=path,][security_model={mapped-xattr|mapped-file|passthrough|none}]
-virtfs local,path=path,mount_tag=tag,security_model=[mapped-xattr|mapped-file|passthrough|none]
-virtfs_synth Create synthetic file system image
-iscsi [user=user][,password=password]
                iSCSI session parameters

USB options:
-usb            enable the USB driver (if it is not used by default yet)
-usbdevice name add the host or guest USB device 'name'

Display options:
-display sdl[,frame=on|off][,alt_grab=on|off][,ctrl_grab=on|off]
-display gtk[,grab_on_hover=on|off][,gl=on|off]|
-display vnc=<display>[,<optargs>]
-display curses
-display none                select display type
The default display is equivalent to
        "-display sdl"
-nographic      disable graphical output and redirect serial I/Os to console
-curses         shorthand for -display curses
-no-frame       open SDL window without a frame and window decorations
-alt-grab       use Ctrl-Alt-Shift to grab mouse (instead of Ctrl-Alt)
-ctrl-grab      use Right-Ctrl to grab mouse (instead of Ctrl-Alt)
-no-quit        disable SDL window close capability
-sdl            shorthand for -display sdl
-spice [port=port][,tls-port=secured-port][,x509-dir=<dir>]
   enable spice
   at least one of {port, tls-port} is mandatory
-portrait       rotate graphical output 90 deg left (only PXA LCD)
-rotate <deg>   rotate graphical output some deg left (only PXA LCD)
-vga [std|cirrus|vmware|qxl|xenfb|tcx|cg3|virtio|none]
                select video card type
-full-screen    start in full screen
-vnc <display>  shorthand for -display vnc=<display>

i386 target only:
-win2k-hack     use it when installing Windows 2000 to avoid a disk full bug
-no-fd-bootchk  disable boot signature checking for floppy disks
-no-acpi        disable ACPI
-no-hpet        disable HPET
-acpitable [sig=str][,rev=n][,oem_id=str][,oem_table_id=str][,oem_rev=n][,asl_compiler_id=str][,asl_compiler_rev=n][,{data|file}=file1[:file2]...]
                ACPI table description
-smbios file=binary
                load SMBIOS entry from binary file
-smbios type=0[,vendor=str][,version=str][,date=str][,release=%d.%d]
                specify SMBIOS type 0 fields
-smbios type=1[,manufacturer=str][,product=str][,version=str][,serial=str]
                specify SMBIOS type 1 fields
-smbios type=2[,manufacturer=str][,product=str][,version=str][,serial=str]
                specify SMBIOS type 2 fields
-smbios type=3[,manufacturer=str][,version=str][,serial=str][,asset=str]
                specify SMBIOS type 3 fields
-smbios type=4[,sock_pfx=str][,manufacturer=str][,version=str][,serial=str]
                specify SMBIOS type 4 fields
-smbios type=17[,loc_pfx=str][,bank=str][,manufacturer=str][,serial=str]
                specify SMBIOS type 17 fields

Network options:
-netdev user,id=str[,ipv4[=on|off]][,net=addr[/mask]][,host=addr]
         [,bootfile=f][,hostfwd=rule][,guestfwd=rule]                configure a user mode network backend with ID 'str',
                its DHCP server and optional services
-netdev tap,id=str,ifname=name
                configure a host TAP network backend with ID 'str'
-netdev socket,id=str[,fd=h][,listen=[host]:port][,connect=host:port]
                configure a network backend to connect to another network
                using a socket connection
-netdev socket,id=str[,fd=h][,mcast=maddr:port[,localaddr=addr]]
                configure a network backend to connect to a multicast maddr and port
                use 'localaddr=addr' to specify the host address to send packets from
-netdev socket,id=str[,fd=h][,udp=host:port][,localaddr=host:port]
                configure a network backend to connect to another network
                using an UDP tunnel
-netdev hubport,id=str,hubid=n[,netdev=nd]
                configure a hub port on QEMU VLAN 'n'
--nic [tap|bridge|user|socket][,option][,...][mac=macaddr]
                initialize an on-board / default host NIC (using MAC address
                macaddr) and connect it to the given host network backend
--nic none      use it alone to have zero network devices (the default is to
                provided a 'user' network connection)
-net nic[,vlan=n][,netdev=nd][,macaddr=mac][,model=type][,name=str][,addr=str][,vectors=v]
                configure or create an on-board (or machine default) NIC and
                connect it either to VLAN 'n' or the netdev 'nd' (for pluggable
                NICs please use '-device devtype,netdev=nd' instead)
-net [user|tap|bridge|socket][,vlan=n][,option][,option][,...]
                old way to initialize a host network interface
                (use the -netdev option if possible instead)

Character device options:
-chardev help
-chardev null,id=id[,mux=on|off][,logfile=PATH][,logappend=on|off]
-chardev socket,id=id[,host=host],port=port[,to=to][,ipv4][,ipv6][,nodelay][,reconnect=seconds]
         [,logfile=PATH][,logappend=on|off][,tls-creds=ID] (tcp)
-chardev socket,id=id,path=path[,server][,nowait][,telnet][,reconnect=seconds]
         [,mux=on|off][,logfile=PATH][,logappend=on|off] (unix)
-chardev udp,id=id[,host=host],port=port[,localaddr=localaddr]
-chardev msmouse,id=id[,mux=on|off][,logfile=PATH][,logappend=on|off]
-chardev vc,id=id[[,width=width][,height=height]][[,cols=cols][,rows=rows]]
-chardev ringbuf,id=id[,size=size][,logfile=PATH][,logappend=on|off]
-chardev file,id=id,path=path[,mux=on|off][,logfile=PATH][,logappend=on|off]
-chardev pipe,id=id,path=path[,mux=on|off][,logfile=PATH][,logappend=on|off]
-chardev console,id=id[,mux=on|off][,logfile=PATH][,logappend=on|off]
-chardev serial,id=id,path=path[,mux=on|off][,logfile=PATH][,logappend=on|off]

Device URL Syntax:
Bluetooth(R) options:
-bt hci,null    dumb bluetooth HCI - doesn't respond to commands
-bt hci,host[:id]
                use host's HCI with the given name
-bt hci[,vlan=n]
                emulate a standard HCI in virtual scatternet 'n'
-bt vhci[,vlan=n]
                add host computer to virtual scatternet 'n' using VHCI
-bt device:dev[,vlan=n]
                emulate a bluetooth device 'dev' in scatternet 'n'

TPM device options:
-tpmdev passthrough,id=id[,path=path][,cancel-path=path]
                use path to provide path to a character device; default is /dev/tpm0
                use cancel-path to provide path to TPM's cancel sysfs entry; if
                not provided it will be searched for in /sys/class/misc/tpm?/device
-tpmdev emulator,id=id,chardev=dev
                configure the TPM device using chardev backend

Linux/Multiboot boot specific:
-kernel bzImage use 'bzImage' as kernel image
-append cmdline use 'cmdline' as kernel command line
-initrd file    use 'file' as initial ram disk
-dtb    file    use 'file' as device tree image

Debug/Expert options:
-fw_cfg [name=]<name>,file=<file>
                add named fw_cfg entry with contents from file
-fw_cfg [name=]<name>,string=<str>
                add named fw_cfg entry with contents from string
-serial dev     redirect the serial port to char device 'dev'
-parallel dev   redirect the parallel port to char device 'dev'
-monitor dev    redirect the monitor to char device 'dev'
-qmp dev        like -monitor but opens in 'control' mode
-qmp-pretty dev like -qmp but uses pretty JSON formatting
-mon [chardev=]name[,mode=readline|control][,pretty[=on|off]]
-debugcon dev   redirect the debug console to char device 'dev'
-pidfile file   write PID to 'file'
-singlestep     always run in singlestep mode
-S              freeze CPU at startup (use 'c' to start execution)
-realtime [mlock=on|off]
                run qemu with realtime features
                mlock=on|off controls mlock support (default: on)
-gdb dev        wait for gdb connection on 'dev'
-s              shorthand for -gdb tcp::1234
-d item1,...    enable logging of specified items (use '-d help' for a list of log items)
-D logfile      output log to logfile (default stderr)
-dfilter range,..  filter debug output to range of addresses (useful for -d cpu,exec,etc..)
-L path         set the directory for the BIOS, VGA BIOS and keymaps
-bios file      set the filename for the BIOS
-enable-kvm     enable KVM full virtualization support
-enable-hax     enable HAX virtualization support
-enable-whpx     enable WHPX virtualization support
-enable-hvf     enable Hypervisor.framework virtualization support
-enable-aehd     enable AEHD full virtualization support
-xen-domid id   specify xen guest domain id
-xen-create     create domain using xen hypercalls, bypassing xend
                warning: should not be used when xend is in use
-xen-attach     attach to existing xen domain
                xend will use this when starting QEMU
-xen-domid-restrict     restrict set of available xen operations
                        to specified domain id. (Does not affect
                        xenpv machine type).
-no-reboot      exit instead of rebooting
-no-shutdown    stop before shutdown
-loadvm [tag|id]
                start right away with a saved state (loadvm in monitor)
                list snapshots of current AVD on startup
-option-rom rom load a file, rom, into the option ROM space
-rtc [base=utc|localtime|date][,clock=host|rt|vm][,driftfix=none|slew]
                set the RTC base and clock, enable drift fix for clock ticks (x86 only)
-icount [shift=N|auto][,align=on|off][,sleep=on|off,rr=record|replay,rrfile=<filename>,rrsnapshot=<snapshot>]
                enable virtual instruction counter with 2^N clock ticks per
                instruction, enable aligning the host and virtual clocks
                or disable real time cpu sleeping
-watchdog model
                enable virtual hardware watchdog [default=none]
-watchdog-action reset|shutdown|poweroff|inject-nmi|pause|debug|none
                action when watchdog fires [default=reset]
-echr chr       set terminal escape character instead of ctrl-a
-virtioconsole c
                set virtio console
-show-cursor    show cursor
-tb-size n      set TB size
-incoming tcp:[host]:port[,to=maxport][,ipv4][,ipv6]
-incoming rdma:host:port[,ipv4][,ipv6]
-incoming unix:socketpath
                prepare for incoming migration, listen on
                specified protocol and socket address
-incoming fd:fd
-incoming exec:cmdline
                accept incoming migration on given file descriptor
                or from given external command
-incoming defer
                wait for the URI to be specified via migrate_incoming
-only-migratable     allow only migratable devices
-nodefaults     don't create default devices
-sandbox on[,obsolete=allow|deny][,elevateprivileges=allow|deny|children]
                Enable seccomp mode 2 system call filter (default 'off').
                use 'obsolete' to allow obsolete system calls that are provided
                    by the kernel, but typically no longer used by modern
                    C library implementations.
                use 'elevateprivileges' to allow or deny QEMU process to elevate
                    its privileges by blacklisting all set*uid|gid system calls.
                    The value 'children' will deny set*uid|gid system calls for
                    main QEMU process but will allow forks and execves to run unprivileged
                use 'spawn' to avoid QEMU to spawn new threads or processes by
                     blacklisting *fork and execve
                use 'resourcecontrol' to disable process affinity and schedular priority
-readconfig <file>
-writeconfig <file>
                read/write config file
                do not load default user-provided config files at startup
-trace [[enable=]<pattern>][,events=<file>][,file=<file>]
                specify tracing options
-msg timestamp[=on|off]
                change the format of messages
                on|off controls leading timestamps (default:on)
-dump-vmstate <file>
                Output vmstate information in JSON format to file.
                Use the scripts/ file to
                check for possible regressions in migration code
                by comparing two such vmstate dumps.

Generic object creation:
-object TYPENAME[,PROP1=VALUE1,...]
                create a new object of type TYPENAME setting properties
                in the order they are specified.  Note that the 'id'
                property must be set.  These objects are placed in the
                '/objects' path.
-boot-property <name>=<value> set system property on boot
-lcd-density density
                select lcd display density value (default is 160)
-android-ports <consoleport>,<adbport> TCP ports used for the emulator instance and adb bridge
-android-wifi-client-port <client port> TCP port used to connect to another emulator running as a WiFi server.
 This allows WiFi traffic to pass between two emulators, one acting as a
 client and one as a server. The decision which is the server and which
 is the client does not affect WiFi functionality
-android-wifi-server-port <server port> TCP port to listen on that another emulator can connect to as a WiFi
 client. This allows WiFi traffic to pass between two emulators, one
 acting as a client and one as a server. The decision which is the
 server and which is the client does not affect WiFi functionality
-android-report-console <socket> report console port to remote socket
-dns-server <servers> use this DNS server(s) in the emulated system
-android-hw <file>
                specify the hw config ini file location
-skip-adb-auth  skip adb authentication dialogue
-timezone <timezone> use this timezone instead of host's default
-net-tap <tap interface> use the provided TAP interface for networking
-net-tap-script-up <script> script to run when TAP interface goes up
-net-tap-script-down <script> script to run when TAP interface goes down
-mem-file-shared (use with -mem-path) initializes RAM backing file (specified in -mem-path) as a shared mapping
-read-only mark the session as read-only and abandon all snapshot or any disk changes at exit.
-fuchsia Fuchsia kernel/image run. Only standard QEMU options are allowed after, and emulator does not start Android virtual devices automatically.-allow-host-au
dio Allows sending of audio from audio input devices. Otherwise, zeroes out audio.-restart-when-stalled Allows restarting guest when it is stalled.-perf-stat <file> Run periodic perf stat reporter in the background and write output to specified file.-multidisplay config a number of (MAX 3) multidisplays-google-maps-key Provide an API key to use with Google maps GUI-no-location-ui Disables the location UI in the extended window-record-session Screen record the emulator session-legacy-fake-camera emulates fake camera by legacy camera HAL-crostini Turn on optimizations for running in a VM on Chrome OS-wear-auto-forward automatically forward tcp:5601 on the host to tcp:5601 on a connected phone if a connected virtual watch is detected.                                                                During emulation, the following keys are useful:
ctrl-alt-f      toggle full screen
ctrl-alt-n      switch to virtual console 'n'
ctrl-alt        toggle mouse and keyboard grab

When using -nographic, press 'ctrl-a h' to get some help.

See <> for how to report bugs.
More information on the QEMU project at <>.